Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hey folks, I know, I haven't posted in several weeks (I've been away but now I'm back! Woot Woot!), so now, on to a  new post!
How many times have we constructed something from PMC or a base metal clay and then decided that we didn't like it enough to fire it? I've done this numerous times, either trying out a new technique or just getting frustrated with something that refuses to cooperate. So, now, what to do w/ this green piece? Let's break it down, put it back into it's orginial state so that we can rehydrate it and reuse it!

First, I bought a coffee bean grinder (mine came from the GoodWill for $5, but I've seen them even cheaper at flea markets and yard sales)

Next I throw in my green pieces or left over dust that I don't need to add to my slip-jar.
I close it up and run it at the highest speed (I even shake it so I can get every piece ground up!).
I make sure it's ground up.
So, now it's ready to go!
Happy mixing!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Looks who's helping me make jewelry tonight!

This little girl was left in my front yard wednesday night and found by my neighbor thursday morning. Poor thing was wet from the dew and hollering loudly. Needless to say she's been with me since them and I've simply fallen in love! She's a real sweetheart! I call her Honey BooBoo Kitty or just BooBoo.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Time is running out!

So, here I sit, with two and a half days till my next show and yet my table is still piled up w/ unfinished pieces! UGH! Why am I procrastinating? Why are my feet dragging as I enter my studio? Why did I wait so long to order those damn business cards?! UGH!

I'm sure I'm not the only one whose week is over running w/ projects, work, life.......but please, someone give me a swift kick to the rear and help me get motivated!

Lol! Happy Tuesday everyone!