Tuesday, July 16, 2013

So, here I am again! Sorry to have been away for so long, life just has a way of getting in the way sometimes. Between my day job and moving to a new place (while putting my house on the market), I've not had a lot of down time. But, now that I'm settled in (as much as one can be after moving and getting my critters all settled in too) I've been trying to dedicate some time into getting the new studio up and functional. There's still a few things to get into place and I need to get some new overhead lighting but overall, I'm already creating!!!! Here's a few pics of my new work area and studio!

                                                       My polishing and finishing area
                                                My kiln, the dehydrator and polymer oven

                                                                   The work table

                                                           A close up of my work area

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hoping everybody had a great and safe holiday season!!!! Having my tummy full of yummy treats and visits with wonderful friends left my studio a bit empty for the past several weeks, but now, I'm back full force and burning the mid-night oil! Perhaps I needed a break, a rest so the creative juices could build up and get back to flowing. Either way I'm feeling good, estactic actually, that I'm motivated and moving forward again! What did all ya'll do over the holiday season , keep on creating or did ya take a break?

                                     Here's my main studio table rocking out on some PMC!